Patrick's Latest Interactions
Met Pat in my sophmore year thru Matt and Chris and were good friends until we graduated. We became much closer friends after high school. For several summers in a row we would back pack with a small group down the bottom of the Grand Canyon, specifically the Havasupai Indian reservation. Some amazing adventures indeed and Pat (being part fish) always enjoyed the water in the tributaries at Supai. Here are some incredible pictures from those trips. These were taken on a camera long before cell phones! His adventerous spirit shines thru in these pictures! A later summer went went overnight camping at Joshua Tree with Pats brother Mike, his three sons, myself and my son Kyle and Pat. This is by far the most meaningful picture I have of Pat. He took my son Kyle and Mike's son also Kyle to fly kites. In that moment this picture was taken! All three mezmorized and staring into the sky. The sad irony is that both Pat and his nephew Kyle in the white t-shirt on the right have both now passed away. My son Kyle turned 35 last week. This picture is like a painting that is timeless and very special!